People First ... Disability Second: People First Language puts the emphasis on the person, not their disability and helps to diminish the use of outdated and offensive language. It helps break down barriers, foster mutal respect, and open lines of communication and acceptance. Incorporating People First Language into our everyday language through both the spoken word and written communications demonstrates that all people are unique and respected for who they are. For more information on People First Language and examples of use, please visit:
Additude: Additude Magazine/Webinars/Publications
Nat'l Center for Learning Disabilities: Comprehensive info. on all types of learning challenges
LD online: Leading website on learning disabilities and ADD/ADHD
Autism and Asperger's
ASPIES: Asperger Support Group of Greater Akron
Autism Society of Ohio: Ohio Chapter of the Autism Society
Organization for Autism Research (OAR): Research based information on ASD's
Behavioral/Emotional/Mental Health
Coleman Behavioral Health: Assessments, counseling, treatment for a variety of mental health challenges
National Alliance of Mental Illness (NAMI) Summit County: Support Groups, family workshops
Greenleaf Family Center:Youth and parenting workshops, counseling, anger mgmt. services
BeST Center at NEOMED: Best Practices in Schizophrenia Treatment (BeST) Center
Emotional Disturbances: Definition and guidance on emotional disturbances from Ohio Dept. of Ed. under IDEA
Summit County Suicide Prevention Coalition: Resources for suicide prevention (Emergencies - always call #911)
Summit Psychological Associates: Psychiatric and psychological services/evaluations, counseling, substance abuse, developmental disabilities, guardianship evals. etc.
Hearing Impairments
The Ohio Center for Deafblind Education: For individuals birth thru 21, free technical assistance to families, schools
Cleveland Hearing and Speech Center: Resources and links to deafness, hearing loss and impairments, Auditory Processing Dis.
Ohio Hands and Voices: Supporting individuals through parent-professional collaboration
Greenleaf Family Center: Community Services for the Deaf/Hard of Hearing, Interpreter Services
American Speech and Hearing Association: Hearing resources and links
American Sign Language Pro: Video sign language dictionary, ASL learning tools for various ages
Signing Time Kids: Learn to sign, for kids and adults. Games, videos, plus more!
University of Akron Audiolgy & Speech Center: Comprehensive audiology services
Epilepsy Advocate: Website/Webcasts/Sign up for their free magazine
Epilepsy Foundation: Comprehensive seizure information
Center for Disease Control and Prevention: Resources, toolkit, training resources
Cognitive/Intellectual Disabilities
Ohio Developmental Disabilities Council: Promoting inclusion, independence, productivity for those with developmental issues.
County of Summit Board of Developmental Disabilities: Local county agency to obtain services for the developmentally disabled.
Ohio Dept. of Ed. - Intellectual Disabilties: Definition and guidance info. of an individual w/an intellectual disabiliity under IDEA
ARC of Ohio: State level advocacy group for those with developmental disabilities.
Ohio Dept. of Ed. - Multiple Disabilities: Definition and guidance info. for an individual with multiple disabilities under IDEA.
Learning Disabilities
National Center for Learning Disabilties: Complete info. on all types of learning disabilities, webinars, e-books & more.
LD Online: Comprehensive site for information on learning disabilities.
International Dyslexia Association: Resources, publications, provider/tutor search tool.
International Dyslexia Association of Northern Ohio: local chapter, resources and conference info.
Children's Dyslexia Center of Canton: Provides free one on one instruction in Orton-Gillingham
to school age children 5-18.
Ohio Dept. of Ed. - Specific Learning Disabilites: Definition and guidance info. for an individual with a SLD under IDEA
LD Resources: Links Page to everything committed to learning disabilities
Other Health Impaired
Ohio Dept. of Ed. - Other Health Impaired: Minor and Major. Definition and guidance info. for an individual categorized OHI under IDEA. * Minor: See also, ADD/ADHD or Learning Disabilities for more information. *Major:Students that are medically fragile. All students eligible for Special Education services under the OHI category require "specially designed instruction" rather than an accommodation plan under Section 504.
Orthopedic Impairment
Ohio Dept. of Ed. - Orthopedic Impairment Definition and guidance info. for an individual with an orthopedic impairment/IDEA
Orthopedic Impairments Website: Info. for students, families, teachers and schools!
Easter Seals Northern Ohio: Adaptive equipment for loan up to 3 months: walkers, crutches, wheelchairs etc.
National Center on Health, Physical Activity and Disability: NCHPAD, all things related to physical fitness, mobility, wellness.
Speech/Language Disorders
Speech vs Language Disorders = What's the Difference?
Speech Disorder: When a person is unable to produce speech sounds correctly or fluently, or has problems
with his or her voice, then he or she has a speech disorder. Difficulties pronouncing sounds, or articulation disorders, and stuttering are examples of speech disorders.
Language Disorder: When a person has trouble understanding others (receptive language), or sharing thoughts, ideas, and feelings completely (expressive language), then he or she has a language disorder.
American Speech Hearing Association: Publications and resources on speech/language disorders.
University of Akron Audiology and Speech Center Comprehensive speech and language services.
ARK Therapeutics: A therapist answers questions re: Oral Motor, sensory, tooth brushing and feeding.
Traumatic Brain Injury
Ohio Dept. of Ed. - Traumatic Brain Injury: Definition and guidance info. for an individual with a TBI.
The Brain Injury Association of Ohio: Prevention, Resources, Support Groups etc. across Ohio
University of Akron Audiology and Speech Center: Speech and Language Services for those with a TBI.
Community Club House for Brain Injury : Summit County Resource for TBI services
Visual Impairments
Ohio Dept. of Ed. - Visual Impairments: Definition and guidance for an individual with a visual impairment.
The Ohio State School for the Blind: Resources, publications, support, groups
The Ohio Center for Deafblind Education: For those with both vision and hearing losses.