SMF Board of Education
Together, we serve as the foundation of support for our students as they strive to fulfill their educational goals. If you have any questions or concerns, we welcome your comments. Please feel free to contact any one of us at:
Stow-Munroe Falls City Schools
4350 Allen Road
Stow, OH 44224
(P) 330-689-5445
(F) 330-689-5448
If you would like to contact ALL Board of Education members via email, you may send an email to BOE@SMFCSD.ORG
The Stow-Munroe Falls Board of Education is seeking qualified and interested candidates from the community for an Open Board of Education Position. This is an exciting opportunity to contribute to the success of our schools and community.
Process for Filling Vacancy
Interested individuals must submit a Notice of Interest, including a Resume, by January 9, 2025, at 11:59pm. Please note that these materials must be received by this deadline, not postmarked or mailed by that date. The submission address and/or email address for Notices of Interest, including a Resume, is as follows: Patrick Goclano, Treasurer, Stow-Munroe Falls City Schools 4350 Allen Road, Stow, OH 44224 or email
Your Notice of Interest should confirm that you meet the minimum legal qualifications, including:
- Being at least 18 years of age.
- Being a registered voter residing within the Stow-Munroe Falls School District.
Additionally, applicants will need to answer four questions as part of their Notice of Interest:
1. Why do you want to be a member of the Board? What drew you to this opportunity? Do you regularly attend BOE meetings?
2. Please describe your community service experience and how regularly you vote.
3. What unique contribution would you bring to this board?
4. Do you have experience or a passion that is not already represented on this board?
Interview Details
Interviews will take place on Monday, January 13, 2025, starting at 5:00 PM at the Central Office (CO), Stow-Munroe Falls City Schools 4350 Allen Road, Stow, OH 44224. Upon arrival, candidates will sign in and be interviewed in the order of their sign-in. Each candidate will have a brief interview with the School Board.
Following the interviews, the Board may vote that evening to fill the vacancy.
Contact Information
All materials, including the Notice of Interest, Resume, and answers to the four questions, must be submitted to SMFCSD Treasurer Patrick Goclano at Stow-Munroe Falls City Schools 4350 Allen Road, Stow, OH 44224 or via email at Immediate questions can be directed to Mr. Patrick Goclano at or by contacting the Stow-Munroe Falls Central Office at 330.689.5445.
Thank you for your interest in serving on the Stow-Munroe Falls Board of Education. Together, we can continue to make a positive impact on our schools and community.
Student Board Representative Roles and Responsibilities
Click here for the Stow-Munroe Falls City School District Board Policies.